Safeguarding Policy
The Aberfeldy Sports Club
Safeguarding Policy
The Aberfeldy Sports Club (TASC) acknowledges its responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of all children using its facilities from harm.
TASC recognises that all children have the right to participate in sports in a safe, enjoyable and positive environment whilst at the same time being protected from abuse, neglect or poor practice.
TASC confirms that it adheres to the Sport Scotland and the procedures, guidelines, and practices as set out in their website.
TASC confirms that (once operational) it will appoint a Child Protection Officer (CPO) at the club. Their details will be available within the clubhouse and on the club website. The CPO will undergo Safeguarding training.
The appointed CPO will agree to be contacted with any concerns regarding child protection and safeguarding and will take appropriate action.
TASC confirms that all allegations or suspicions of abuse, neglect, harm or poor practice will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly, fairly and appropriately.
TASC recognises that all children have the right to expect that their participation in sport will be supported and delivered by suitably recruited, vetted and managed staff, whether they are volunteering or officiating.
TASC requires all member clubs having staff who undertake regulated work must ensure such staff are PVG qualified.
TASC acknowledges the Disclosure Scotland referrals process and agrees to action a referral if required.
TASC supports and requires all trustees, employees, and member clubs to observe the following standards of practice, including verbal and non-verbal actions when involved in activities with young players under the age of 18years.
All concerns about breach of this Code of Conduct will be taken seriously and responded to in line with Disciplinary Procedure and/or Procedure for Responding to Concerns set out by the governing bodies of member clubs.
GOOD PRACTICE for Participating Clubs
- Implement suitable and robust recruitment for volunteers and staff to work with childrenAppoint suitably trained coaches and managers
- Ensure there is a clear way for children and parents to raise any concerns
- Appoint a child protection officer
- Adopt and implement a child protection policy
- Involve parents/carers wherever possible
- Make sport fun, enjoyable and promote fair play principals
- Place value on the efforts and achievements of all participants involved, including those on other teams
- Treat all players equally, with respect, dignity and fairness.
- Give enthusiastic and constructive feedback rather than negative criticism.
- Properly supervise children during sporting activity
- Put the welfare and development of each player first before winning or achieving team performance goals.
- Build balanced relationships based on mutual trust and respect
- Include players in the decision-making process wherever possible and appropriate.
- Work in an open environment, wherever possible.
- Be an excellent role model
- Recognise the developmental needs and capacity of young players
- Follow medical advice and protocols relating to injury prevention and management
- Too much emphasis on the team winning over the enjoyment and development of the young players involved
- Excessive training and competition, pushing young players against their will and putting undue pressure on them.
- Involving adults in practical demonstrations of contact sports.
- Spending inappropriate and unnecessary amounts of time working with children alone in private or unobserved situations
- One to one coaching sessions should only take place with parental consent and ideally with a chaperone and/or in a public place.
- One to one sessions for medical treatment are sometimes necessary for purposes of confidentiality.
- Having ‘favourites’
- Arranging to transport a child alone in your car, without prior consent from the child’s parents
- Smoking or drinking alcohol in the company of children
- Where possible, doing things of a personal nature for children that they can do for themselves.
- Deliberately threatening, insulting, humiliating or embarrassing a player as a form of control and/or ‘motivation’
- Reducing a player to tears as a form of control
- Engaging in rough or physical contact, including tackling a young player
- Swearing at young players or allowing players to do the same unchallenged
- Use sexualised language and/or allowing young players to do the same unchallenged
- Condoning or promoting excessive rivalry between players, teams and/or clubs on or off the pitch
- Shouting abusive or derogatory comments from the touchline at players or match officials
- Inviting or allowing young players to stay at your home
- Getting changed and/or showered in the same facilities at the same time as young players
- Forming intimate emotional, physical or sexual relationships with young players
- Allowing or engaging in sexual behaviour
this includes suggestive comments and provocative jokes and games - Allowing or encouraging young players to smoke, take drugs or drink alcohol
- Failing to follow your governing body’s policies on safety for young players including injury reporting procedures
- Allowing allegations made by a player to go unchallenged, unrecorded, or not acted upon.
registered scottish Charity
(SCO50641) established in December 2020.