The end of an era……………
The first step to building our new Aberfeldy Sports Club has been the big clear out. Not an easy task as I am sure you can imagine. Luckily the community helped and many kitchen and furniture items were able to find new homes during February.
The rest has been a skip operation and big thanks to the grafters you can see in the pictures: Keith Moncrieff, Charlie Thom, and Ronnie Battison of Aberfeldy Golf Club all did a great job during the big clearout.
If you look closely at one of the current Clubhouse pictures. Donald Johnson used his creative Countdown skills to say a Golf Club farewell, using the letters from A B E R F E L D Y G O L F C L U B (with a bit of cheating with the U.
Formed in 1895, the Clubhouse has always had a prominent position in the town. It has changed over the years from the original “Old Tin Hut” but it will truly be the end of an era with it being set to be demolished later this month.
An exciting new era beckons though. We will keep you posted on developments.